Founded in 2010, Equus-Sims is an online equestrian community for The Sims. Our forum is where we gather to share our stories, compete in shows, and challenge our creativity with fun workshops. You can also join us on Discord to connect with other members in real-time, browse and download custom content, and promote updates you make here on the forum.
11.1.23 New boards are open for posting! Drop an introduction in our Guestbook, advertise your services in Businesses and Services, host or join a Club, or post an ad inside of our new Classfieds section!
10.8.23 Join our latest contest, All Hallow's Stallfront Decoration Contest. Also, our first edition of the Sunday Paper has been published! The Sunday Paper is a paid newsletter, but a free one will be dropped every other month for everyone to enjoy.
10.3.23 The Builder's Workshop prize has been revealed!
09.17.23 Guess who's back? Tell a friend.
09.15.23 Join us on Discord to connect with other members in real-time, share and download custom content, and browse our community media galleries.
Walking down the old, worn out asphalt road, Ciara breathed in the musty scents of the elderly yews, succumbing to the sharp autumn breeze. The olivegreen trousers were worn from jungle walking, hill climbing and desert riding, and the trusty riding boots made creaky sounds with every step. It felt surreal being back in her own country again, after the six years of traveling. She was no longer the confused, rebellious eighteen year old girl who left. She'd become an ambitious, powerful woman. One ready to step into the very same responsibility she fled from.